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Lost of RC (Registration Certificate)

The District Transport Officer



Reg:- Lost of RC (Registration Certificate)

Dear Sir,

We write to inform that Registration Certificate (R/C) of our above Vehicle (XXXXX) has been lost in way on xx/xx/xxxx

You are requested to kindly issue us Duplicate R.C for our record. Xerox copy of payment receipt and copy of FIR attached herewith for your reference .

Thanking you,

Enclo:- As above

Yours Faithfully

This post was last modified on February 10, 2023 7:45 pm

nirmaldeyak47: Nirmal Dey | Content writer I provide authentic and valuable content to readers, with a focus on helping aspirants preparing for government jobs and I also provide details about various job opportunities, government exams, recruitment notifications on job searches in Assam.