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Assam Career JDSG College Bokakhat Recruitment 2023:সহকাৰী অধ্যাপক খালী পদৰ বাবে আবেদন কৰক

Assam Career:Jogananda Deva Satradhikar Goswami (J.D.S.G.) College Bokakhat is currently accepting applications for two Assistant Professor positions. The subjects for which the vacancies are available are Political Science (1 post) and Accountancy (1 post). Here are the details regarding the application process:

Assam Career JDSG College Bokakhat Recruitment 2023

Name of the Post: Assistant Professor

Number of Posts: 2

Subject-wise Vacancies:

  • Political Science: 1
  • Accountancy: 1

Eligibility Criteria: The educational qualifications and selection procedure will follow the guidelines mentioned in the Government Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. AHE. 239/2021/68 dated 24-01-2022.

How to Apply: Interested candidates can apply by following these steps:

  1. Prepare the application in the format prescribed by the Directorate of Higher Education (DHE) Assam.
  2. Gather all the necessary testimonials, starting from High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) onwards, along with other relevant documents.
  3. Accompany the application with a bank draft of Rs. 1500/- only, drawn in favor of “Principal, JDSG College,” payable at SBI, Bokakhat Branch.
  4. Send the complete application package to the following address: Principal & Secretary J.D.S.G. College P.O.- Bokakhat, Dist.- Golaghat Assam, PIN-785612

The deadline for submitting applications is July 1, 2023.

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What is called a college?

noun. an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training.: Compare university. a constituent unit of a university, furnishing courses of instruction in the liberal arts and sciences, usually leading to a bachelor’s degree.

What does college mean in UK?

In the UK, a college usually means a place where students over the age of 16 are trained in a particular subject or skill, earning a qualification that is not usually an academic degree. People studying for an academic degree go to a university.

Which is the number one college in India?

Among the top colleges list, Miranda House of Delhi University has been ranked on the top, while Hindu College, Delhi and Presidency College, Chennai are on second and third position respectively.

What does college level mean?

Definitions of college level. the level of education that college students are assumed to have attainedtype of: grade, level, tier. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group

What is college called in India?

There are various types of tertiary institutions in India, namely Universities (Central, State, Open), Universities of National Importance, and Deemed universities.

What is student of college called?


Undergraduates are students of universities and colleges: they’ve graduated from high school and have been accepted to college, but they haven’t graduated yet.

What is different between college and university?

Universities are larger education institutions compared to colleges and offer both undergraduate and graduate/postgraduate degree programmes. They have a more diversified curriculum and offer a variety of courses, and usually include research facilities and sports centres.

What is college in USA?

A “college” in the US can refer to a constituent part of a university (which can be a residential college, the sub-division of the university offering undergraduate courses, or a school of the university offering particular specialized courses), an independent institution offering bachelor’s-level courses, or an …

What is college called in America?

While some four-year postsecondary institutions in the U.S. have “college” in their name and others have “university,” both types grant undergraduate degrees

What should I take after 12th?

UG Courses available after 12th Science:
BE/B.Tech- Bachelor of Technology.
B.Arch- Bachelor of Architecture.
BCA- Bachelor of Computer Applications.
B.Sc.- Information Technology.
B.Sc- Nursing.
BPharma- Bachelor of Pharmacy.
B.Sc- Interior Design.
BDS- Bachelor of Dental Surgery.

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